-------- REGISTRATION FULL-----------
We have a unique and limited opportunity for a small group foray to learn about the amazing lichens of red rock country on Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 9am.
This is a chance to get outside in a small group to learn about the lichens on rocks and trees and cryptobiotic soil crusts that serve essential functions in our local ecosystems. We will be learning from Garry Neil, who has been working with the Coconino National Forest, Red Rock Ranger District and the Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium in surveying lichen species in the red rock country. He has an academic background in lichen physiology/ecology, and since his retirement he has rejuvenated his interest in lichen identification and diversity.

Whether you are a lichen enthusiast (who isn't?), photographer, or just want to spend a day in the Sedona sunshine learning about the dazzling diversity of our lovely lichens, this will undoubtedly be a unique experience.
We are limited to having a total of 10 people at this event and are also limited with parking, so only a few spots are available. Since there are only a few spots available, please make sure the date and time for this event work for your schedule before registering. This event will be videotaped or streamed live and any participants may be included in that video.
This event will be outdoors and will include walking 1/4 to 1/2 mile during the 1-2 hour duration of the event. All participants must wear a mask during the event.
Those who register for this event will receive a registration confirmation with detailed location information and directions.